EPSON North America

Our friends at EPSON were so pleased with our work on the Enviromental Graphic Design program, that both Image Options and Steamy Design were asked to design, produce and install a “Sustainability Suite” in the space just to the right of the staircase in their beautiful Long Beach headquarters.

This was such a a fun and eye-opening process, since every part of this project was completed during the pandemic. Through extensive research about the EPSON brand and company history, we were all more than happy to help them tell the story of the companies sustainability practices and promises that have been in-place since the 1960s.

The Sustainability Suite was designed to remind every visitor to the Long Beach headquarters, is reminded of how involved EPSON has been in fighting climate change since the very beginning of their foundation (Seiko) in a rural town on the edge of a beautiful lake in Japan. Since the beginning, EPSON has been aware of the impact manufacturing has had on the environment, and has been taking action through innovative product design as well as carbon neutral practices.



Creative Direction

  • Steamy Design in collaboration with EPSON

Produced & Installed by

  • Image Options