EPSON North America Headquarters

Our client EPSON decided to use the pandemic years to relocate its North American headquarters to a newer building located in Long Beach, CA. The Steamy Design team was fortunate enough to be asked to help complete the Enviromental Graphic Design by designing, producing and installing all interior signage.

By choosing a beautiful white oak and paring it with acrylic and high-gloss elements, the signs match the modern architecture and interior elements of the new space beautifully. We created a system that adheres to ADA compliance standards, but that also allowed the Human Resources department to print out the room number and name portion of the sign, on the printers they have in the office. This has made the hectic and unpredictable coming back to the office situation much more affordable, as they can simply print out a new paper inserts if the employee or department shifts to a different part of the building.

Again, through smart design, and careful material choices, Steamy Design was able to help create an elegant solution to this Environmental Graphic Design opportunity.




Creative Direction

  • Steamy Design in collaboration with EPSON

Produced and Installed by

  • Image Options