Finding Your Inspiration as a Creative

I talk about this a lot as a creative who has been in the industry for over 15 years. Ideating original ideas is hard. Chances are, someone has done, somewhere. So designers scour the internet and social media searching to see if their ideas are original or not, often getting sidetracked by what they find along the way. I get it, it happens to me all the time. I have to constantly pull myself away from all screens, at least once a day to get out in nature.

If you are ever looking to feel inspired, or get stuck on an idea or problem, go for a walk!

Nature has been proven to calm the senses and lift the mood. No office space, desk space, or Pinterest post will ever compare to awe inspiring effects of nature. I know not everyone has the luxury I do to be able to get out each day. Eat lunch in the park. Take a new route to the subway or train. Ride your bike to work. There are so many opportunities I feel like creatives miss to be inspired, because we have been looking down at our screens for so long, sometimes we forget just how beautiful Mother Nature really is.

Living in a downtown area can limit access to parks or trails in certain areas, but can still offer inspiration! Graffiti, street art and window displays always offer inspiration to my ever thirsty brain that seeks out new patterns or color combinations. Maybe even a new technology being used.

Get out there people, and put that phone in your pocket!