
Expensive fixtures are a force to be reckoned with for years to come…

Many moons ago, the decision was made to spend a lot of money on these steel and acrylic fixtures that you can still see today in every single Macy’s store around the world. Today, most employees at Macy’s can’t stand them. But the problem with expensive fixtures is that it becomes hard to justify replacing them or simply throwing them out. SO, working together with their creative department, we helped to spice things up a bit! By using a very cost effective non-printed cardboard box, and some beautifully printed 16 point board, we came up with these re-wrappable dimensional boxes that fit in to and around these steel and acrylic fixtures. These same cardboard boxes have been re-used now for several years, and are still an option as a structural base, if ever needed down the line.

Sometimes just changing the wrapping can really transform an existing fixture.


  • Macy's
  • Concept, Art Direction, Final Art Design

Creative Direction by

  • Amy Miller, Creative Director
  • with Meisel Photographic
  • Structural Design, Template Build, Product Testing

Produced by

  • Meisel Photographic